So we officially have a Brownie in the family. After intercepting a call from the area Girl Scout leader last night, she has been flying about two feet off of the ground ever since in pure almost-8-yr-old ecstasy. The rest of us have barely any hair or hearing left, but she is thrilled and totally oblivious to our seeming lack of interest. It is just so hard to get as excited about it as she is. NO ONE could be as excited about ANYTHING as much as she is. And to cap it off, today, her first day, was the Official First Day of Cookie Sales! Joy. So beware. We are not legally allowed to make sales over the Internet or on websites, but I encourage you all to buy a box or two when presented with your local (or not so local) G.S. If you don't need the butter and fructose, buy a box or 20 for the soldiers in Afghanistan. THIS is a neat program, ask your local (or not so local) Girl Scout about it when you see her. Personally, I think we are going to press that angle. Jeff and I are really, REALLY dreading this whole sale thing, but since it alone (dues are only $12 a month so that doesn't really support much of anything) funds EVERYTHING that they get to, field trips, and other activities. Apparently there is a Tea Party coming up next month. Oh my, imagine that, it falls on the 15th....(wink wink, Mom and Dad).
Jeff and the boys favorite part about this whole thing is the abbreviations for family members. BOGS (brothers of Girl Scouts), DOGS/FOGS (dads/fathers of Girl Scouts), and my personal favorite, SMOGS. I don't quite remember those from my Brownie days...
My day started off with a futile attempt to sleep in. I was excited when I woke up sans cats and it was 4:30, almost too late to start working and still get anything viable done, so I decided I would just sleep in until 6:30. I spent the next 45 minutes chasing cats out of my hair, throwing cats off of my bed, hearing odd cat-related noises in the kitchen and yelling at the dog to LAY DOWN AND IGNORE THOSE DAMN MONSTERS!!! So I ended up getting up at 5-ish and making lunches then sitting and doing some extra Bible study. Not so bad in the end but I learned my lesson.
Jeff and N are at basketball practice (AGAIN), M is at his dad's working on a science fair project, B is currently sawing away at his violin and checking the clock every two minutes (20 minutes, is that too much to ask for?) and L is trying valiantly to NOT interrupt either of us every 30 seconds...they both need a lot of practice.
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