Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Monday night dinner
Sauerkraut, mmmmmmm!
Spent the morning, actually, the whole day playing with S and G, my new godchild and his older sister. Last week, I got there and had two hours to myself before anyone woke up. This time it was constant kidlet time. They tag teamed at first, but then quickly decided to gang up on me instead. By 2:45 I found that I was walking around in circles not knowing what to do with them I plopped them in the stroller and we went for a walk.
I got to dress them in the ponchos I made them for Christmas, which was good for my tattered ego. S, of course, stayed in the stroller for as long as it took to buckle her brother in, but she is a surprisingly quick little thing, even in her froggy boots. So cute! She puddle stomped and picked up leaves, petted moss and drug tree branches behind her. G ended up falling asleep as we crossed the street back to the house, so he ended up with a record 2 minute nap after I broke the very first baby law and tried to move him back into the house. Next time I am wheeling the whole dang contraption into the house!
As Jeff was gone, it fell to me to make sure that N got to basketball practice last night. But first we had dinner with Jerry. He brought over sauerkraut and pork. Yup, if anything ever screamed "ANTI CHILD DINNER" that would be the one. But ketchup and several threats before he arrived, saved the day! Even N ate everything with not a SINGLE complaint. If that dinner had been my whole day, that singular fact would have made it the best day EVER! Alas, there was still basketball. Started off by getting him there 1/2 an hour late (I thought that was when it started...).Then the fact that ALL of us had to go, well, lots of unhappiness. And apparently I was a bit out of line for not allowing them to wander the halls?! Then practice went over by 1/2 an hour. (Sigh)
But once we got home, N got showered and everyone else got into bed, I was able to shoot a quick text off to my absent husband (ahh, how romantic) and head to bed myself. But not before I got a text from S and G's parents, "just checking to see if you are doing okay, you seemed a little stressed." (bigger sigh)
This blog is beginning to sound like a whining board. Let it be known that I am darn proud of myself for getting all of this done. Yes, I have a lot of room for improvement, but N ate sauerkraut for goodness sakes!! What more can I realistically expect from one day?!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Baptism by fire
Anyway, we have had this on the calendar for months. On the calendar, in my phone, on my computer, it was duly noted. We got everyone up plenty early to accommodate showers, changes of outfits, breakfast etc and ended up with time to spare. So I decided to be responsible for once, and get to the church about 15 minutes early, just in case this was a different ceremony (Lutheran vs Episcopal) than I was used to. We drive up to the church at 9:45 only to find the church parking lot PACKED and not a person in site. Upon checking their signage, services were at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00.
Okay, first major difference between churches, OUR church services are 8:00 and 10:00. Panic didn't totally set in, however, until we found Nettie and Gary's car among the throng of vehicles. CRAAAAAAP!!! So the kids and I jumped out of the car and jetted through the entry hall (which was curiously packed for it being during a church service) dress shoes clacking, winter coats rustling and someone in our midst rudely shout-whispering "Hurry up and BE QUIET!!!". We blasted into the back of the church during a hymn. As I was asking one of the ushers near the door if this was the service with the baptism, Annette appeared at the front of the aisle with eyes as big as saucers, waving us frantically up the aisle to the front row. Jeff made it to the pew in time to remove his coat before we were graciously herded up onto the stage to perform the ceremony. I have visions of the pictures coming back with our hair standing on end, sweat rings under our arms and glazed looks of panic on our faces. But we made it through and despite my numerous apologies, Nettie was gracious enough to point out that we did make it in time for what mattered and everything went well! Amen.
The final frustration of the night was dinner. On our way home that evening, Jeff had the wonderful idea to stop and get Teriyaki, in order to save me the hassle of cooking dinner. Yes, I am sorry to say that is what cooking dinner means to me. Julie Childs I am not. However, it was not known to us that every Asian food based restaurant (save the China Sun Buffet) is closed on Sunday. It is now known. Instead we ended up stopping at the grocery store and picking up some frozen meals, which, upon arriving home, we discovered needed to be cooked in the microwave. Uh, whoops. No microwave yet. So I attempted to boil the bags. 45 minutes and one disappointing attempt to open one of the bags later, I was across the street using Jerry's microwave to zap everything into submission. Needless to say it was one of the most disgusting meals I have ever had the pleasure to NOT call my own.
So, all in all, though the day began with stress and ended in frustration, I can honestly say that it was a fun day for all. G, the Baptised, was a little angel during the ceremony, was awake long enough afterwards to put some sizable bruises on my thighs from jumping on them, but then was gracious enough to fall asleep in my arms. S, the Birthday Girl, was cooperative and good spirited enough to forgo her usual nap so that she could entertain us all in her pretty tulle dress and endless request for "mo chips?". A long day.....but fun.
I hope I can say the same tonight in regards to today when all is said and done. Thinking that it was going to be another rainy day, I blithely commented that it was too bad as I had planned to have a day at the zoo. Um, still waiting on that rain..... um, helloooo!!!???
Monday, January 11, 2010
Date Night
Ugh, I am my daughter and vice versa....
I hated math. The pressure of not getting something that was supposed to be so clear and sensical was SO DAMN FRUSTRATING!!! I still am not comfortable with it. In fact, in the midst of being my most patient with L tonight, with Jeff looking over our shoulders, I led her into a major dumb mistake.
Up until today, I have been shoving L off on her dad at the first sign of tears with her math homework, I just have not had the patience to deal with homework, dinner, AND tears. But today I think God showed me as plainly as possible that I am the one who needs to work with L on her math and in the process, maybe exorcise some of my mathematical demons.
But don't tell Jeff. I will still need him for when she practices counting money. . .
Pause. Reset. Resume. . .
Thursday, January 7, 2010
BOGS, DOGS and SMOGS...oh my!
Jeff and the boys favorite part about this whole thing is the abbreviations for family members. BOGS (brothers of Girl Scouts), DOGS/FOGS (dads/fathers of Girl Scouts), and my personal favorite, SMOGS. I don't quite remember those from my Brownie days...
My day started off with a futile attempt to sleep in. I was excited when I woke up sans cats and it was 4:30, almost too late to start working and still get anything viable done, so I decided I would just sleep in until 6:30. I spent the next 45 minutes chasing cats out of my hair, throwing cats off of my bed, hearing odd cat-related noises in the kitchen and yelling at the dog to LAY DOWN AND IGNORE THOSE DAMN MONSTERS!!! So I ended up getting up at 5-ish and making lunches then sitting and doing some extra Bible study. Not so bad in the end but I learned my lesson.
Jeff and N are at basketball practice (AGAIN), M is at his dad's working on a science fair project, B is currently sawing away at his violin and checking the clock every two minutes (20 minutes, is that too much to ask for?) and L is trying valiantly to NOT interrupt either of us every 30 seconds...they both need a lot of practice.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Killer Pack and Plays and Guilt trips
I survived S and G with ease today, or I guess it is more truthful to say that they barely survived me. I almost got eaten by the Pack and Play that I was setting up for "Sissy" to nap in...yeah, that in itself is a funny one, there was NO napping on her part... and then I couldn't heat G's bottle up because, oh yeah, our microwave doesn't work. Good thing he didn't like the stuff she sent anyway cause he wasn't taking any of it. But we watched Veggie Tales, drooled on the floor, colored, drooled on my leg, ran in circles from the living room into the kitchen, through our bedroom and office and back into the living room--and back--,drooled on the dog, watched the fish, hunted the "pussy cats", rode on the stuffed whale, drooled on the couch and snacked on Cheerios and oranges up until just before noon. Then G went down like a trooper on our bed, and Sissy was dutifully placed in the Killer and left with her bottle of water (because I suck and don't have chocolate milk), her pacifier and her babydoll. She then proceeded to sing "Twinkle Twinkle" to the glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling of her brother's room for the next hour and a half. When their mom called to say she was done early, did she want me to come get them or leave them to sleep, I laughed, because by then G was up again and busily drooling on my shoulder.
But y'know what? It was fun when all was said and done. I am pooped and I no longer want to have a baby in my house full time, but it was fun and I am proud of myself. I even managed to get some sewing done and have dinner on the table (green chili chicken enchiladas, thank you Tutu!) in time for Jeff to get home. Just before he had to leave again with N in tow for basketball practice.
As I write this I have to admit to feeling overwhelmingly guilty because I passed on a request to play Barbies with L. I just can't do it, I am not a make believer, if I ever was I have forgotten how. I told her I would be happy to help her do their hair or dress them up but that I wasn't all that good at pretend with Barbies. So now I am wallowing in guilt that I had the opportunity to be a fun mom and knowingly and willingly blew it. Still doesn't make me want to play, though. Heck, when our dog Rosie was here, even she was better at tea party than I was. She would actually drink what was in the cup while I just pretended.... Do I get points for at least feeling guilty and knowing that I suck? I even went in and offered to help her again with their hair, but by then the moment had passed and she wasn't interested anymore....ugh.
So big plans for tomorrow, Jerry bought all the makings for a pot roast but then also delivered with it a packet of meat marinade. So it is currently marinating, but then what do I cook everything in in the crock pot? Cooking!! I am beginning to long for the caveman days, when kids ate what they were given because that literally was all there was, there were no appliances around to lull you into a dependency and then break, and you didn't have to constantly tell people NO more computer, NO more video game, NO more TV etc etc, because, well duh, there weren't any. Basically the only thing that would be the same is my gripe about kids and sticks.
I could live with that.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Woo HOO!
I realized today that since I am going to start watching M and B's little sister (S) and brother (G) on Tuesdays, that I should probably make an attempt at baby proofing the house. Wow, and literally just the other day I was looking at my house plants and being thankful that I could leave them on the floor without someone trying to take a nibble at them. Anywho, baby proofing started with de-Christmasafying the living room. Now, I admit, this wasn't exactly a sad realization. I have had a tougher time every year actually leaving the stuff up for the entire 12 days of Christmas and this year has been the hardest so far. I think it has to do with having way too much in my living room to start with, then adding a tree and such, well, there just isn't breathing room, shall we say. So, dropping M and B off at their dad's, N and L and I came home and made a decent dent in the decor. I left the Nativity out, as the Kings haven't reached their destination yet. And I couldn't bring myself to put the snowmen away, seeing as that may be as close to snow as we get this year...
As I sit here writing this, trying to ignore the movie that is blaring right outside my office, the Christmas lights (yeah, that's J's job) blinking in my window and the fact that I am making frozen chicken nuggets with Ramen for dinner, again - I remember that my New Year's resolution this year is to try and be a happier person. Now, so far, my attempts at this have been based on being thankful for everything I have and forcing myself to be happy about it. I should be happy, dammit, look at everything that I have! But I also realize that being happy shouldn't something I have to force on myself. Case in point. I just posted my resolution on my friend's Facebook site. I was so proud to have a viable resolution this year that I typed "Woo Hooo!" at the end of my post and was surprised to find that I was left feeling a bit giddy! So that is my new motto. Woo HOO!! Come on Year, I can take it! Better yet, I want it!!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Back to reality....almost
We spent the New Year at Jeff's mom's in eastern Washington. Lots of food, Sponge Bob and parties in Emma's room. Jeff's memories of New Years with his mom is that they always revolved around a table of munchies and yummies laid out throughout the day. This normally spells chaos for our kids, especially when the yummies involve chips and cookies in and amongst the veggies and fruits. However, Jeff and I just happened to park our puzzle next to the table so we monitored it all day long, just like the parental ogres we are. What I was able to determine was that it wasn't that the kids wanted to eat all day long, it was the fact that they were constantly asking to eat all day long. "Can I have some chips?" "Can I have some more fruit?" "If I have some veggies, can I have another sweet?". Within an hour of the food being set out, I was about ready to tear my hair out and send them all to the park for the rest of the day. Looking back, they may or may not have actually had enough food to sustain them. I think we ended up being pretty strict, mostly because we were tired of the constant asking. So this begs the question; if we had just allowed them to eat as they wanted, would the table have been cleared in a matter of seconds like I feared, or would they have been able to monitor themselves after awhile, maybe with more sweets than we would normally have allowed, but nothing that would have required a stomach pump later in the day? My opinion? The chips would have been toast within minutes. The crackers would have been next. All the cookies involving chocolate would have been history before any of the adults could have grabbed any, and L would have eaten the entire cottage cheese/Jello mold single handedly.
So, when do they learn to be responsible when helping themselves to the buffet? Am I going to have to monitor their plates until I no longer am responsible for buying their groceries? I already know that half of the lunches that I send do not get eaten which spells out a HUGE waste of money, not to mention food. Grrr.
There was also a lot of park time in the snow, which after the snow, fog, freeze, rain, freeze, and sun made for a veritable science laboratory of various stages of frozen water. Lots of fun for the kids. Floki spent his part time monitoring the various yards that backed up to the park. Any yard with a dog was allotted as much of his time as it took to wear out the captive puppy by running up and down the fence line. Needless to say, he hit his bed HARD last night and was hard pressed to get up for dinner even.
Well, my curiosity is getting the best of me. I am hearing shouts of "Ollie" from the other room as they try out the new skateboarding game for the Wii. Gonna have to go take my turn.