Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy All St. Harvoween!!

Okay, my attempt at an all inclusive title. The kids have become a bit confused thinking there are way more holidays involved here what with the celebration of All Saints Day, Harvest Festivals, and Halloween on the same weekend. Goodness knows that with the parties at school on Friday, Trick or Treat Lane on Friday night, Trunk or Treat and Harvest Festival at church on Sunday morning and then trick or treating in the neighborhood Sunday night, they had their plates full as it was! Below is my St. Harvoween picture montage...


yes, the slug again.....

A stick man!!

Friday morning, Lydia couldn't wear a costume, so she dressed "normal".

Some of our favorite Trick or Treaters!

                                Hope you had a Happy St. Harvoween for 2010!

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