This is a picture of a dog who knows where he is going. Check out the pursed lips, the intense look in the eyes, the nose in the wind. . .yup, smells like the canal.
Just a little bit of haze, but it was on it's way out.
As was the dog. You can't see it, but there is a ball in his mouth that he climbed under the deck, by himself, to get!
Sigh! Now if it were just a couple (30) degrees warmer! Not that the dog cared, because between this picture and the next, he decided it was time to go swimming, temperatures be damned. Someone has a spa day scheduled tomorrow, and it ain't me!
Joy, oh joy, the neighbor puppy is old enough to play with now! Yes, that black blob is Wilson, Ruby's following act, another spaniel who doesn't like the water. That blue thing in Floki's mouth is a ball, by the way. I need to get better at taking pictures...
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