Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Snow and basketball

Well, today winter finally hit. And it hurt. Me, anyway. Looking back, I wish I had just sat back and enjoyed it but to be honest, the sight of snow two days after a beautiful spring day just kinda stressed me out. And this was a lot more snow than I would have expected. No, it didn't accumulate, but it did start to stick and it snowed for the better part of the day.  Of course, all I had to do was drive about 1/2 a mile and it ended up being rain. At one point, I was coming back from the grocery store and while it had been snowing all the way, I made a left turn into our neighborhood and BOOM it was rain. Two blocks later, it was back to big flakes. I made a right turn onto our road and the sun is coming out and it is back to rain, but right at our driveway (I kid you not) it turned back into snow! I literally could stand with one foot in the snow and the other getting drenched. So strange! By the time I went to pick the kids up, it was beginning to stick and boy were the kids excited! I didn't see very  many who weren't walking with thier faces to the sky and thier tongues sticking out! Plus, it forced Mr. Grant to bring back out the Bear Hat. How can you not love a principal who wears such things??
As for the basketball, what we thought was going to be the last game actually turned out NOT to be the last game. They have another one that is a make up on Wednesday and then if they win that. . .they are in the PLAYOFFS!!! I don't know who was more excited, Noah or Jeff! But it IS exciting and we are proud of Noah. He was able to get his hands on the ball a number of times last night, and though he was no scrapper like his little friend Weston, who played for the other team and seemed to be everywhere at once, he did a really good job.
The other big news is that Ben's baseball team is really scrounging for a coach. I got an e-mail with pleas out to parents to step up and volunteer as the practice season has already begun (unbeknownst to us). I didn't think much of it as God already knows that I can't do it and I didn't think Jeff would be all that interested, though he had talked about wanting to help out in the past. But then yesterday I got a phone call from a nearly panicked team mother, so I passed the info on to Jeff, and though I urged him to really pray about it, he seemed to jump at the opportunity, if not readily, then a lot faster than I expected and with a lot more enthusiasm. I am still going to pray for him. If he comes home tonight and says he has accepted then you all are going to have start praying for ME because that means I have to be Team Mother...just what I need!  Or, maybe it is.

1 comment:

Tutu-wa said...

and so the drama continues. Jeff coaching sounds good, snow in Pt Orchard is better than snow in Pt Angeles. It was cold tho. I love the bear hat. Lydia looks so happy too.