Okay, first with the good. Today was Palm Sunday. By accident, I even wore red. I don't know if I am getting more sentimental in my advancing age or what, but I am becoming more and more fond of the "special" church days. I just had all sorts of warm fuzzies as we processed from the Fellowship Hall with our palm fronds and crosses to the church, which upon entering, was just amazing with the ring of a trumpet being played by one our of church members while the choir sang. Those of you who have been to our church in the past may remember that the choir was not one our high points. It is much higher now, you should come back and listen. And the trumpet just made it all that more amazing. Loved it!
Now onto the not so good. Meatloaf #2 was a disaster. Jeff and I managed to get our servings down with the help of ketchup and some positive thinking. We just kept hoping that the next bite might be better. Nope. It was mushy and, well, REALLY mushy. I screwed up by not only doing a different recipe (which is the point) but I also changed the pan that I cooked it in. So I don't know if it just retained TOO much of the grease this time or if the substitution of egg and milk with applesauce was the killer. The flavor was THAT bad, in that you didn't taste apple, per se, in fact Lydia thought the whole thing tasted like sausage, but the mushy texture was just too much. We decided that it was nice in that this one was so bad, we weren't even going to attempt to rate it other than to say NEVER AGAIN, and leave it at that.
Didn't see much of Jerry today, as his official last day as our neighbor is tomorrow. He had a housefull of people pitching in to help him clean it out. My heart goes out to him but I am thankful that he had people there to help him today. When Mac and I went over before dinner to retrieve some pickle jars he had set aside for me, it looked like he still had a lot to do, but it may be that it is his plan to leave some behind, his final farewell, though he has said in the past that he harbors no ill will towards the people who have bought the house, all of his ire it directed towards the Social Security office that denied Dee's checks....
And finally, we lost Anna today, one of our ducks. Jeff noticed she looked less than well at about 3 this afternoon and by dinner time he was torn as to whether or not to help her "on her way". By the time dinner was over, however, she was gone. Apparently our dinnertime prayer, that she go quickly, was heard and we are so thankful. But now the mystery remains, what the heck happened? We think that she was the one that attacked by the dog when we were away in Miami, so it may have been something from that. But I will be spending a good amount of time on the internet tomorrow trying to figure it out.
Well, speaking of prayer, if you are reading this, please send a quick one up for me. Tomorrow marks the first day of a week of 1/2 days of school leading up to parent-teacher conferences and then...DUM, DU-DU, DUM DUMMMMMMM!!! Sigh
In closing, I would like to end on an up-note and give thanks for my wonderful husband. Sunday has become my favorite day of the week in that I always know that I will have an hour in church to sit side-by-side with him and hold his hand, uninterrupted, except for the moments when we have to flip a page or give the peace or some such thing. I love him for the fact that he cared enough to want to"help" Anna along but also for the fact that he had such a hard time bringing himself to end her life. He is such a wonderful, careing man and I am so lucky to have him as my pew-mate, help-mate, play-mate and life-mate. God has blessed me greatly.
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