Monday, March 8, 2010

Home again, Gone again.

Happy to say that Jeff made it home in one piece and in good health. He also managed to arrive on what may have been the most gorgeous day to date of this year. Which was nice! The lawn got mowed even! Funny enough, the ducks are NOT afraid of the lawn mower and in fact had to be shooed away from it constantly. I can see them following it, but I don't understand the reasoning behind wanting to be in front of it all of the time....

Saturday morning Ben and I went to church to help out with the Pillowcase Dress project. The goal was to make 50 dresses out of pillowcases for one of our church members to take to Haiti with her later this month. Ben was dying to do some sewing after his successful stuffed animal. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a WHOLE lot of women with good intentions and absolutely no real direction, or maybe too much direction. Whatever it was, I quickly found myself with nothing to do but constantly being told to "just step in! We are falling behind!". I couldn't find my niche, so to say and felt the irritation rising to the point that when I finally found a dress that was ready for me to work on and was told I couldn't because some other woman had her name on it, well, I silently snapped, gathered up a rather distressed Ben and all of my supplies and headed out to the car. Once there, I decided that Ben and I would just go home and make our own dress to donate to the cause. So we headed to Goodwill for the pillowcase, JoAnnes for the trim and then home we went. I have to say, Ben had a lot more luck with the sewing machine than I did and in the end he had a very cute dress!
And here is the stuffed animal (Blob) that he made earlier....

And while I am pretty darn proud of the little runt, I am even more impressed (if I may be so bold) that he was able to touch my sewing machine and live! This means that maybe I have reached a new level of parenting! Woohoo!!

In all seriousness, I do think that the power of prayer has been having a definate positive affect on my relationship with Lydia.  Thank you Bible Group...I feel that I have a little more presence of mind in the midst of my frustrations with her, so that I am able to keep a more even tone and limit the shaking that tends to attack my finger as it points at her little face some times.  Now if I can just lose the whole pointing thing, I will be SUPER happy. As, I am sure, will she.

Noah has his final game (as of this morning at least) of the basketball season tonight. My hope for him is that he will have an opportunity to possibly show a little bit of aggressiveness with his blocking and such, perhaps even steal a ball? Nothing big, just a little something for him to remember the season by!

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