So a bittersweet start to the day. As Noah and Lydia and I were leaving for church, Jeff was heading back to Miami, hopefully not to become re infected with whatever he got last time. But despite this, we had a good day. No, I would actually say a great day! After a quick trip to Costco and Target (may I brag, not a whine was heard about toys or samples other than in jest by me....) we were back at home to jump into social activities. Lydia was met at the car door by an old friend who was across the street visiting her Grampa and Noah was off to skateboard with his friend from across the street. Two hours later, Lydia said goodbye to her friend just in time to welcome another, her friend from church and her mom (MY playdate!). They had a wonderful time. Lydia's friend suffers from a form of musculardystrophy so attention had to be paid to the pathways around our house, to be sure that her special chair could make it around. Lydia did a fantastic job both steering and looking out for obstacles. The girls were all OVER the house playing, while her mom and I compared war stories
No sooner were they off and out of the house than we recieved a call from friends down the street with a request to come over and play for a little bit, so it was back to her room with her friend and back to the kitchen table for me and mine!
Top the evening off with some pizza (and a beer, whew this socializing is some tiring stuff!) and that makes for a pretty darn nice day! Right, Noah?