Monday, June 28, 2010

Picture catch up....

                               So we left off with Noah's birthday, let's pick up with his new smile.....
(drum roll, please....)

TAAA-DAAAAA!! Granted, his teeth were a bit sticky, so his smile is not normally this big, but BOY! How awesome is THAT!!!!

Then we had a sunny minute, or two....

Some ingenuity....

We did some walking for Relay for Life (thank you to all who donated!)

A few more minutes
 of sun.....
And some outside time....Recognize that wagon, anyone?
(Sammy isn't crying, by the way, she is telling Noah to get out of the way.....)

Then, we had some guests! Meet my friend Nicole!
I haven't seen her since Mac was younger than this...

and now he looks like THIS!!!

Then we have the last day of school. FINALLY!!!
My camera pooped out on the picture of Lydia with her teacher, but I thought it was telling how the teacher remarked that she wasn't sure how she was going to make it through the summer without a particular someone telling her what she needed to do. (True Story)
But here are Ben and Noah with their favorite para educators...

and their respective teachers, Mrs Richarson (with the pink hair) and Mrs. Anderson, who despite her grumpiness at times, really did, apparently, enjoy Ben and vice versa.

Mac's teacher this year was Mr. Somerhiser.

But the real treat of the day was the return (if only for the day) of Mrs. Stevenson, his 3rd and 4th grade teacher who was out for cancer treatment this year.

THIS lady, however, Mrs Hughes, aka School Secretary, kept me out of the clutches of CPS when I would forget to pick up a late stayer, or at the last minute need to have them walk home etc. She made sure to let me know she was gonna be out of town for the summer.....yikes!!
Doubtful that we would have survived the year without her
Now onto the summertime activities!
Activity #1
The Point Defiance Zoo

Meerkats andWalruses

Polar bears and Elephant teeth

Noah doing what he does best (101 pictures taken this particular trip....)
and Lydia doing what she does best....
(that would be talking)
 This is a two-month-old Clouded Leopard cub...

And finally...well, you know what these are.....

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